Lucky Tiger Anti-Fraud Policies

The Lucky Tiger online casino provides its customers from Australia with safe and secure services. We protect our users’ personal data with all available means. The administration of our website observes all operations to prevent any fraudulent activities.

Anti-Fraud Polict at Lucky Tiger Casino complies with international gambling safety standarts

Anti-Fraud Rules at Lucky Tiger Casino

We take all possible measures to protect our customers’ personal data and ensure that their gambling experience is safe and secure. Lucky Tiger Casino leverages all modern technologies to keep the users’ data safe. As for particular steps, they are the following:

  • Our customers are required to check their identities;
  • We constantly observe all players activities on our website in order to prevent any suspicious acts;
  • We employ a special system that monitors and notifies us about any suspicious behaviour;
  • Lucky Tiger Casino has a special security department, whose main goal is to monitor our players’ activities.

With all the above mentioned, our customers can be sure that their data as well as account and money are under protection. We also ask our players to cooperate with us in order to help us keep high security levels.

Get to know about actual Lucky Tiger Casino Anti-fraud Rules